
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

How can one “live in the light”?

In 1 John 1:7, John informs us that “…if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin”. Very simply, if we live righteously avoiding darkness (sin), the blood of Christ will continually make us clean (acceptable to God).
         I would like to firstly make known what “living in the light” is not. It is not going to services on Sunday morning, it is not simply praying one time a day before you go to sleep, and it isn’t even occasionally reading your Bible. Only attending Sunday morning worship and not evening services or mid-week Bible study (without reason) is a direct violation of Hebrews 10:25 “…not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together…”. When one consciously decides that they do not want to fellowship with the Saints, they are sinning and therefore they are not walking in the light. Next, prayer is our greatest tool! It is foolish to take it for granted! In all honestly, sometimes when I pray I feel disconnected. We, me included, need to make sure that our prayer lives are of upmost importance, and not just a routine. The Bible teaches that we need to “pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17). This does not literally mean that we need to pray every single second of our existence, but that we need to continually pray, and not take the powerful tool of prayer for granted. Lastly, we have two points to make with this topic. You might ask “How can reading your Bible ever be unbeneficial?” Well, I cannot tell you how many times I have sat down to read my Bible, and then stood up 30 minutes later not having learned anything. When we “study the scriptures” (2 Timothy 2:15), we ought to really study them! Again, it comes down to not taking Gods gifts, or Gods tools that He’s given us for granted! The Bible was given to us to learn from, not to casually read at our leisure. The second point I would like to make is this: One can study the Bible all day long, but if the knowledge gained is not applied, what use is it? The Bible is like Gods medicine; we can buy all the medicine we want in order to cure our physical ailments, but if we don’t use the medicine we’re never going to get well. The same is true with Gods medicine; the Bible. We can read our Bible all we want, but unless we take it in and apply it, it’s like we’re sick but we refuse to take the medicine necessary to fix ourselves. 
          Finally, I would like to explain (using the Bible) what it means to “live in the light”, and how one can do it. According to the Bible and the principles it establishes, living in the light is living in Christ. In John 8:12, Jesus affirms that He is “the Light”. In the light there is knowledge and truth, which would lead one to logically conclude that in order to be in the light (Christ), you must possess some knowledge of the truth. Since Jesus is the light, and we know that there is no sin in Him (2 Corinthians 5:21), those who are in Him must be sinless. How can that be? Well coincidentally, those who are in him cannot sin! 1 John 3:6 “Whoever abides in Him does not sin”! This is only possible because we are continually cleansed from all sin (1 John 1:7) if we take the appropriate steps to achieve this purification (confession of sins, repenting, and striving to live a better life). As we have established, those who are “in Him” are sinless, and righteous in His sight (see Psalm 34:15). In order to become one of His and be “in Him” one must be baptized. One must then repent, and keep His commandments till the end of their life. As we’ve mentioned, studying His word makes this possible, along with continual prayer. One cannot keep commandments he does not know!
          In conclusion, all who are “in the light” will inherit the kingdom of God following His appearing (see 1 Corinthians 15:24). These are the ones who are not of the world, but of Christ; ones who keep His commandments, and ones who are sinless due to the purification of Jesus’ blood. In order to come to the light you must hear the truth, believe it, repent of the things you’ve done in the darkness, confess that Jesus is the Christ, and be baptized! Upon baptism, Christ will pull you from the darkness and you will be with Him in the light. Lastly, you must remain in the light until His coming (revelation 22:14)!

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